The VAE to recognise the skills and experience of your employees through the validation of a certification.
Implemented by the law on social modernisation dated 17 January 2002, the VAE or Validation des Acquis d’Expérience is a French training system that allows people with professional experience to have their skills and knowledge recognised by the validation of a certification.
Why offer VAE to your employees?
In order to facilitate professional advancement, certification results in the awarding of a diploma, a title or a certificate of professional qualification or CQP based on the decision of a jury.
This certification must be registered in the Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles.
The certification chosen must be directly related to the experience justified. This is a real course of action that requires a jury of professionals to validate the knowledge acquired.
Who can benefit from VAE?
Anyone can benefit from VAE, regardless of age, status, nationality, or level of training. The only condition is that they have at least one year’s professional experience.
VAE is interesting for people who are aiming for a job or a progression within their company which would be reserved for the holders of a certain diploma or certification, which the person does not possess despite his or her achievements.
We are thinking in particular of self-taught people.
Indeed, a Validation of Professional Experience can be considered in several cases:
- To have your level of skills recognised
- To obtain a promotion
to develop your potential - To access a training course with a higher level as a pre-requisite

How can I find out about VAE?
Any person can freely access information on the modalities of implementation, training, certifications about VAE.
- The national platform dedicated to VAE
- The website of Ministère du Travail et de l’Emploi
- The Registre National des Certifications Professionnelles or RNCP
- The website of Pole Emploi if you are a jobseeker
- Our in-company certification courses
Tages of support in a VAE program
- The candidate prepares an administrative file (livret 1) enabling the certifier to study the feasibility of matching the candidate’s experience with the diploma.
- The certifier studies your file and gives you an answer as to whether it is possible to start your course.
Completing the application
- Following a positive response, the candidate must put together a validation file (livret 2) detailing the skills acquired in relation to the diploma in question.
- During this phase, candidates can be accompanied by a trainer to help them draw up their dossier.
Presentation to the jury
- Award of certification if’ all skills have been validated
- Validation of one or more blocks of skills if the candidate wishes to take part in the certification process
- Partial validation of certification, as one or more blocks of skills could not be validated by the candidate. The jury makes recommendations to the candidate
- No block of skills has been validated by the candidate.

IT manager (luxury groupe)

Regional director (Home Universe)

Boutique Manager (Watchmaking)

Shop assistant (lingerie)