Our skills development programmes are addressed solely on intra-business courses that is to say for employees belonging to the same company.
This training is for anyone who wants to understand the operation of a point to sell. No diploma or specific experience is required to follow this training. No experience is required.
Identify the 100 success factors from a point of sale via 15 themes covering all the fields of the customer experience.
Understand the retail language in 100 key points
- The approaches
- Windows
- Entry into the point of sale
- The first impressions
- The outlet of the point of sale
- Buying comfort
- Merchandising
- Sales techniques
- Cashist quality of service
- Management of turnover
- Framing the teams
- The point of sale in its digital environment
- The communication of tenders
- The concept of the point of sale and the mark
- Sensory marketing
Mobilised Methods
This training runs remotely during a 3 hour session or 2 sessions of 1.30.
Participants receive support that includes key contributions.
Modality Assessment
This training includes a knowledge test before it starts. It evaluates the starting level of learners. The assessment is measured by a score between 1 to 5.
At the end of the training, the participants fill out the same questionnaire. A new score appears, as well as a percentage of progression. Participants clearly measure the path travelled and define their action plan.
It is also possible to access an optional individual debriefing.
This training takes place over
3 hours
Terms and Access Delays
Our exclusively intra-business courses are organised and planned on demand.
The start of the trainings takes place a month after the contracts are signed.
Our rates for this training start from
1600€ per day
For more information on the rates for this training, please contact us.
Disability Accessibility
This training is accessible to any person with disabilities.
See our conditions of handicap accessiblity.