Emotional sale means buying based on emotion, not reason.
To convince your customer to buy, you will need to use emotional selling techniques to develop the desire or hold the curiosity of your customers.
In other words, it’s about transforming the way you sell to make people want to buy 🛒
What you will find in this article:
- Triggering emotions through sales techniques
- Understanding emotional intelligence to sell better with emotion
Triggering emotions through sales techniques
We tend to think that the act of buying is only thought of logically.
But, it would be misleading not to consider emotional intelligence in your sales strategy. It is now at the heart of the customer experience 💘
However, it’s not always easy to sell emotion. Let’s start by going back to what emotion is.
The 6 fundamental universal emotions in customer experience
Emotional selling is based on the 6 fundamental universal emotions that will make it easier for you to close your sales 👛
Here is an overview of these 6 emotions and their impact on your customer:
😰 The fear
Do you want to know more about the customer experience and the emotion it brings.
😢 The sadness
Your customer will feel a sense of loss if they miss out on your sale.
😁 La joy
The sale will give your customer a feeling of fulfilment if they go ahead with the purchase.
😳 The surprise
Show your customer that emotional selling will bring unexpected benefits.
🤭 The disgust
Your customer will face a sense of rejection that can be resolved by your sale.
😒 The disregard or anger
Your customer will feel a sense of frustration which can also be resolved by your emotional selling.
However, it is essential not to confuse emotions with feelings, which are less useful in selling and in some cases even negative.
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The differences between emotions and feelings

In short, the customer relationship is no longer a transactional exchange but an emotional sale.
Therefore, it is essential to know how to differentiate between emotions and feelings so that they can be better managed and do not harm your business in the long run.
The main difference is the time factor ⏳
An emotion appears instantly whereas a feeling will settle in the long term.
Moreover, a feeling can group together several emotions 🎭
Finally, emotions are shorter because they are more intense and push more easily to act in order to release the tension it generates.
It is therefore much more advantageous, during a potential act of purchase, to generate emotions to trigger a quick purchase.
Emotional sales techniques to play with emotions
There are various emotional selling techniques that will allow salespeople to play with the 6 core emotions.
You can start by generating curiosity in your customer to hold their attention 🤗
To do this, use storytelling which will allow the customer to visualise your story and more easily evoke emotions.
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You can also use emotional and simple language in your sales pitch.
This will make it easier for the customer to remember!
In addition, this approach will create a climate of trust where the customer will open up more naturally about their own emotions.
But to master these techniques, you need to understand the concept of emotional intelligence.
Understanding emotional intelligence to sell better with emotion
Now that you know more about emotions, it’s time to get to know emotional intelligence 🤔
Emotional intelligence is a skill that allows you to control your own emotions, but also those of others.
It therefore allows the salesperson to be more aware of his or her own emotions in order to more easily influence those of the customer.
This intelligence is used a lot in the sales world, as it helps to manage conflicts and helps to make effective decisions 💣
More generally, emotional intelligence is a right mix of relational and emotional that allows the salesperson to distinguish all the information to guide a behaviour, that of the customer.
The 4 pillars of emotional intelligence development

This emotional intelligence evolves throughout life and is essential for emotional selling.
It can also be easily developed through emotional training.
To develop it, you need to know the 4 pillars of emotional intelligence:
1️⃣ Identification of emotions
Emotional intelligence will first of all consist of naming one’s emotions in order to be able to name those of the client. We are talking here about the 6 universal emotions developed earlier.
2️⃣ Understanding one’s emotional intelligence
It is then necessary to take the time to understand this emotion in order to be able to respond to it by observing the behaviour.
3️⃣ Developing empathy
This understanding will lead to empathy with the customer. Thus, the salesperson will use this empathy to meet the customer’s needs.
4️⃣ The expression of one’s emotions
The salesperson will express this emotion in order to better control it. The expression of emotions creates a link with the customer, who in turn will confide his or her emotions. The sales assistant can regulate this emotion if it is negative or, on the contrary, rely on a positive emotion to convince the customer to make a purchase.
Why use emotional intelligence to sell emotion?
Faced with a hyper-competitive and digitalized context propelled by online purchases 👩💻, it is becoming necessary to stand out through emotions.
To make an emotional sale, it is necessary to put the human contact back as a major asset in the sale and to forget the manipulation techniques to sell.
The objective of emotional intelligence is to create a bond of trust between the salesperson and the client in order to let emotions flow.
Finally, emotions are a precious source of information for the salesperson that he or she can easily exploit.
It would therefore be a pity not to use it, so as not to remain simply in the transaction but in the emotional sale 😉
Now that you know more about the importance of emotional intelligence in sales, it is important to develop this ability.
This method of support is indispensable in the face of the new challenges in sales and the extraordinary expectations of customers.
Thus, in our training catalogue, you will find our emotional sales training on stress and emotion management or Favorably receive an unhappy client which will enable you to sell more easily by appealing to the emotions of your customers.
Do you want to know more about the customer experience and the emotion it brings? Contact us!