Our skills development programmes are addressed solely on intra-business courses. That is to say, they’re for employees belonging to the same company.
This training is aimed at anyone wishing to integrate a business in-store. No diploma or specific experience is required to follow this training.
Modules to acquire fundamental skills:
- Master the stages of the sale related to the customer course
- Being able to develop know-how in connection with the territory of the brand”
Store sales techniques
- The Hospitality: Preparing to sell, thwarting beliefs, encouraging the customer to discover the shop, saying hello with politeness and creating a welcoming atmosphere, getting in touch with customers with the “”4×20″” rule, creating a catchphrase related to the brand and initiating a dialogue, the different categories of customers: the walker, the buyer, the undecided customer, the accompanied customer and the faithful customer
- The posture: the words and expressions that testify to good education, the rare signs of politeness, arm movements, hand expression and the alignment of the body, smile, expression of the face and the signals of benevolence, look in the gaze, the heart turned towards the heart of the customers, the voice, tone and the tempo rhythm, language of the sale, the image that one gives oneself and the image of the brand: the meeting points
- The discovery phase: to make the customer speak with the help of questioning, understanding the client’s universe and the emotion of the moment, listening carefully, rephrasing to better understand, locating complementary shopping tracks and recapitulate
- The proposal, the conclusion and taking of leave: select the good models and dare from the new proposals, the ceremonial presentation of the collection: each model follows a definite movement, convincing by capturing the imagination of the customer, selling the brand, selecting the storytelling path that may interest the customer, overcoming the most common objections, proposing complementary and additional models, concluding with conviction, accompanying the step of checking out and loyalty
Mobilised Methods
This training takes place according to the following rate:
7 hours face-to-face and 4.30 remotely.
Remote sessions integrate virtual classes, tests, intersessional work, coaching, and video learning (optional).
The face-to-face sessions are held throughout in France.
Modality Assessment
This training includes a knowledge test before it starts. It evaluates the starting level of learners. The assessment is measured by a score between 1 to 5.
At the end of the training, the participants fill out the same questionnaire. A new score appears, as well as a percentage of progression. Participants clearly measure the path traveled and define their action plan.
It is also possible to access an optional individual debriefing.
Durée de la formation
This training takes place over
Terms and Access Delays
Our exclusively intra-business courses are organised and planned on demand.
The start of the trainings takes place a month after the contracts are signed.
Our rates for this training start from
1600€ per day
For more information on the rates for this training, please contact us.
Disability Accessibility
This training is accessible for any person with disabilities.
See our conditions of handicap accessibility.